Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Going green

"Going green" is certainly a phrase that we here a a lot these days, but what does it really mean to the home remodeler?

Mrs. Smith was green with envy when she saw her next door neighbors (Mrs. Jones) freshly remodeled bathroom. Could there be more to it than that? Perhaps Mrs. Jones painted the walls green too?

Not all too long ago that may well have been enough "green" in a remodel. But in these times with the damage we have done and are continuing to do to our environment there is much more at stake than just bragging rights over who has the better bathroom.

Not everyone has it within their budget to add a photovoltaic solar array to their residence, though that is a wonderful thing to do if it is within your means.

Everyone that is contemplating a home remodel though can certainly help the environmental effort by carefully considering the materials you select for your project. Instead of selecting Honduran mahogany for your wood trim for example, consider a sustainable farmed product instead.

Consider insulation, energy efficient doors, windows, appliances, and lighting before you consume your budget on aesthetics.

What will you do with the components you remove for your remodel? Most cities have salvage yards that will take your re-usable sinks, tubs, doors and other similar components and offer those items to others at reasonable prices. Not only is this good for the environment, but you might just be able to put some green back into your pocket! In some cases you may even be preserving historical pieces someone else may be in need of for their own remodel.

Consider all of your remodeling actions and materials carefully and we can begin to put right what we have been destroying for generations. The air we breathe, the water we drink, and the food we eat all are components of our environment that can benefit from the more careful deliberation of our remodeling projects.

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